Sunday, January 1, 2012

Forex News by , How it helps you ? is a Forex Trading portal contain fresh Forex news from all other sites in just one site each day. The name of the game in Forex trading is predicting the movements of the market. Whoever can answer the question "What will the EUR/USD do next?" is sure to make a nice bundle. The only way to really do this with accuracy is via Forex fundamental analysis ForexSQ Forex news.

Putting aside the age old dilemma about Forex fundamental analysis vs technical analysis, no one debates the importance of watching Forex news and adjusting your trading accordingly.

At the end of the day, Forex news and Forex fundamental analysis is what drives the market. A war in one country or a political revolution in another is the kind of news that will have a direct impact on the Forex market and its future trends.

No one is saying that you should ignore technical analysis, the Forex charts will definitely help you in your Forex Managed Accounts trading but news and fundamental analysis are two tools you should focus your attention on when trading this market.

Most Forex brokers offer trading platforms with integrated news and Forex fundamental analysis, and if your broker does not, it might be time to move on.

The worst mistake a Forex trader can make on Forex Managed Accounts or other forex accounts is to trade Forex in an abyss. Forex is not a casino and if you do not have a technique including news and fundamental analysis, then you are making a fundamental mistake that will cost you big losses.

In addition, some might find reading the charts to be a little too technical and complex for them, but it is safe to say that anyone trading Forex can handle the task of reading the Forex news and fundamental analysis, They are usually written in simple language that is easy to understand and digest. What you do with the information you get in today's news is another story completely.

Forex fundamental analysts can take one look at today's news and conclude that the USD will rise or fall today against the Yen, something that requires training over an extended period of time. Having said that, a large part of fundamental analysis or analyzing the Forex news, is common sense that any person with no prior training can do, at least on a basic level.

In conclusion, trading Forex should be taken very seriously if you want to end up on top, and one of the first moves to make is to choose a broker who offers top notch integrated Forex fundamental analysis in the trading platform. It also helps to keep another window open, perhaps on CNN to stay updated on today's Forex news

By Gil

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Forex Managed Account

Forex Managed Account service of Fxstay Team now update . We can provide Forex Managed Account now from as low as $10000 with safe risk, if you want good profit in long term and do no want to risk a lot so our Forex Managed Account service will be good for you , our team try to provide good amount of profit on Forex Managed Accounts without risk on main investment , it needs more time to earn profit but its safe risk and you will be happy at the end of the year with the profit we get from forex market on your Forex Managed Account . Our target is to trade with safe risk how ever in the investors want more risk to earn more profit we can easily provide it . We provide good amount of profit on Forex Managed Accounts because our traders are professional and choose around the world this is because we want to increase our investors to open their Managed Forex Account with us . For more information and read unique and latest articles about Forex Trading please click on link below :

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Friday, August 26, 2011

Bernanke's Speech and Markets Fear

Less than few minutes the most important speech of the week will publish , Federal Reserve chairman Ben Bernanke speaks to the Kansas City Fed conference in Jackson Hole at 10 a.m. Eastern Time . Most of the markets include Stocks and Forex Market with major investors in the whole world are waiting for this speech . They will be listening for clues on what the Fed is prepared to do if the economy continues to show signs of slowing. Many are doubtful the central bank chief will announce a full-fledged third bond-buying program, commonly known as quantitative easing, or QE3. This is his first appearance since the Aug 9 FOMC meeting. His speech is titled "Near- and long-term Prospects for the US Economy."

Ahead of the speech, the final reading of August consumer sentiment is due out at 9:55 a.m.

"We do not anticipate that extreme measures, such as QE3, will be suggested in this year's meeting," said economists at Nomura, noting Bernanke used his speech last year to describe "additional stimulus" and then followed up by announcing QE2 a few months later.

"The deflation risks that were present at the time of last year's meeting are absent," they added. "We expect Chairman Bernanke to reiterate the Fed's tools for easing and seek to restore confidence in the central bank's ability to respond to shocks as they arise. He may also explain the role of the Fed's balance sheet - in terms of size and composition - in monetary policy."

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Best Forex Broker

Best Forex Brokers ; if you are looking for trusty forex broker for real trading , it worth to put some time and review our top forex brokers we listed in our site click on link below choose your broker from the list .

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Video - What is Forex ?

The word Forex is a combination of two simpler words Foreign and Exchange.
The simple meaning of Forex Trading is exchange of foreign currencies.
Forex Market is where currencies are traded to earn